Auxiliary Services Marketing (ASM)

About Auxiliary Services Marketing

The Auxiliary Services Marketing Department (ASM) provides high-level support to UCCS Auxiliary Services units—Campus Store, Dining and Hospitality Services, Recreation and Wellness, Parking and Transportation, etc.—through strategic marketing planning, creative design, and internal communications. The ASM staff works on a variety of projects, with a focus on internal marketing campaigns and design support.

ASM strives to support the Student Affairs division by assisting Auxiliary Services departments with core marketing deliverables and by the promotion and advertisement of on-campus and student-centered initiatives that support the university’s mission, goals, and strategic plan. ASM is also home to the Clyde Mascot Program (information about Clyde and the program can be found here).

If you are an outside entity looking for a contact, you may not have found the right place. We deal primarily with internal communications and departments/organizations. May we suggest some other options:

  • If you are a media outlet or are looking for an official contact for the University, contact University Communications.
  • If you are an outside vendor looking to advertise on campus, or are hoping to partner with UCCS in some way, contact University Marketing.
  • If you're involved with the recruitment of prospective students in any way, we suggest the Office of Admissions.

Our Services

Advertisements Photography
Copy writing and Editing Print
Email Promotions Promotional Campaigns
Graphic Design Promotional Items: buttons, stickers, branded items, etc.
Signage Social Media Strategy
Graphic Mark Development Website Content Strategy
Newsletters Sidewalk signs


Jina Fagerburg

Auxiliary Services Marketing Manager

(719) 255-4311